Sunday, August 28, 2011

WashPost: Ubiquitous ?tiny belly? online ad part of scheme, government says

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Ubiquitous 'tiny belly' online ad part of scheme, government says

By Paul Farhi
It might be the ad that ate the Internet.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to see an article on this! - Don't we see this ad just everywhere and well, I am one of those people who have clicked on it. For one, I wanted to know why I was targeted with this ad everywhere I went.

    It is badly written, to begin with. And, it has a lot of information that we already know - Simply put, "eat grains, fruits, veggies blah blah and you will be thin". I agree, it actually could be part of a scheme since, it really doesn't have any free samples usually, to begin with and the fact that it makes huge claims makes me question its credibility. Why would I pay money to know that eating healthy can make me healthier? :)
