Sunday, September 11, 2011


Well, agriculture is a big word, it covers the very different aspects. From the Wikipedia ,Agriculture (also called farming or husbandry) is the cultivation of animals, plants, fungi and other life forms for food, fiber, and other products used to sustain life.

From the definition, it seems that agriculture,as part of ecological cycle,is everything in our living environment.(showed in the picture)

With the blooming of modern society, automation had took place of manual process, urbanization is happening here and there.

The modern lifestyle keep us far away from the conventional lifestyle.

Less and less people know what is the difference between the cereals , how long it will take for a chicken to grow up, and even what the real cow look like.

We can get everything we need in supermarket all year around. For example, people can buy the tomato whenever they want due to the introduction of greenhouse.

For reducing the transportation cost, the supermarket buy the banana when it is green, then use ethylene to accelerate the ripening process, and deliver them on the shelf.

For the sake of profit, some farmers keep chicken in a dark room from it is born to death, which will make them grow faster. Even the hormone is being used in feeding.

Because the need for plain boiled meat is increasing significantly, people even try to change the composition of livestock by genetic engineering.

We want to change the nature, to make it best service for human being.
However, if human being keep "selfish", it would be a disaster in the future.

As far as I know, one possible result is following:
some fatal bacteria named superbugs that become immune to several antibiotics are appearing.
(because pesticide are widely used to improve the output, as a cycle, we eat the pesticide. Like the selecting process, exitsting bacteria are all strong enough to survive)

If people get infected by that, it would be horrible. The scenario we've seen in science fiction could be possible in reality.

we are part of food chain of nature process, we should appreciate what nature mother have done for us rather than take everything into granted and even want to change nature the way it is.

What are what we eat! We need real and healthy food!

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