Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Save the Ta-tas!

After reading the assignment, not long passed before I thought of Save the Ta-tas, the fight against breast cancer! I think it's an effective campaign because at www.savethetatas.org, it says, "Believe in the Power of Laughter." This is a light-hearted approach in the serious fight against breast cancer, but I agree that an optimistic, stress-free approach to life helps promote health.

From a marketing standpoint, I think it's a clever campaign because it not only targets women, but also targets men. For example, while some men may hesitate to wear a t-shirt with the color pink on it, if it says "Save the Ta-tas" they may be more willing to wear it! Keeping the advertising campaign positive and optimistic, I feel like it promotes fundraising and research in order to combat a serious health risk that affects many people.

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