Thursday, September 29, 2011

background music

I cant really say that ive experience "Synaesthesia" for sure.

After watching the TED video, it seemed to me that the concept refers specifically to the crossing of two senses, and not at experiencing one sensory feedback normally associated with another one. However, since that is as close as ive ever gotten to anything close to Synaesthesia, that is what i will have to talk about, it seems.

You know how sometimes you hear a random song somewhere, (you dont mean to pay attention to it) but somehow your unconscious picks it up and suddenly its "stuck" in your head and unconsciously you keep singing it/whistling it over and over? Well, that happens to me all the time.

The curious thing is that i started noticing that curiously songs were usually "stuck in my head" always at the same time of the day: when i have just woken up.

I started noticing that i often started whistling or humming as soon as i woke up, like first thing in the morning, as i brushed my teeth and such. I thought it was weird, since its not like there is a radio playing in the background while i am sleeping for my unconscious to pick up the songs... or is there?

I started realizing that everytime i tried to re-call a dream, there usually was a tune or part of a song connected to that memory. Turns out that whenever i am having a dream (at least the ones i can remember having next morning) there is ALWAYS a song playing, sort of like background music or something. That is why when i wake up in the morning, i usually surprise myself humming a song, because i was just "listening to it" in whatever it was i was dreaming about.

Weird hu?

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