Friday, October 21, 2011

Good and Bad

I put two! I know! but i really liked both.

The first one speaks for itself; the music choice is modern the silhouettes are stylish, the dancing vibrant. Yet, all these elements are clearly speaking to a latino audience without the need to really say it. Its a great, elegant, short ad.

The second one really speaks to me as a young male latino; we love "futbol". Even if we dont, we still love saying we do; its part of our culture. But unlike soccer here, it is not a sport played in a field. Football soccer is traditionally a street sport in mexico and most of latin america. Its played during recess in small places, its played in the park with a couple of cans marking a "goal": its played in rooftops. This video is great at reaching its target market; young latino gamers, and it was really successful, going viral shortly after its release.

This one is just questionable, but i think was a bad move overall. Its obvious this ad was supposed to try reach mexican voters in the US but comes across as racist and patronizing. First the music; they picked a musical style listened to in the poorest areas of mexico. They also had depicted all of the actors as working class, not coming across as particularly educated. If to this you add the fact that some of the actors were clearly not native speakers (i am, thats why its obvious to me) then you are just adding insult to injury. I think that gaining the votes of a few are not worth alienating the majority. This ad does precisely that.

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