Saturday, October 1, 2011

Synesthasia Between Vision, Smell and Taste
Synesthasia doesn't often occur to me since I think I don't have sharp senses. I cannot tell accurately the differences between colors or tastes. But I do experience synesthasia when I purchase fragrance. Usually when I first see the bottle of fragrance or perfume, a specific corresponding smell will be assumed in my mind. For example, I will be less willing to try the fragrance in black non-transparent bottle, because the color black is translated into smell of metal to me. And red bottle is not that receptive to me because I automatically think the fragrance in it is way to strong which a slutty lady uses. Orangeish fragrance makes me feel too sweet. Light blue or green is more fresh and natural-related which I probably will try on first.
So when I purchase the fragrance or perfume, I don't only rely on one sense. Vision, smell, and taste will naturally occur at the same time.

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